Phrozen Library Wiki

Version 1.10f, 1.11b, 1.13c, 1.13d:[]

struct client //size 0x518
   DWORD ClientID;                 //0x00 
   DWORD InitStatus;			   //0x04 Flag 0x4 - player is in game
   WORD ClassId;                   //0x08 Something with Arena, also could be equivalent of ClassId
   WORD PlayerStatus;			   //0x0A
   BYTE ClassId2;				   //0x0C
   char CharName[16];			   //0x0D 
   char AccountName[16];		   //0x1D 
   BYTE _3[50];                    //0x2D 
   DWORD _3b;					   //0x60
   DWORD _4;		               //0x64
   void* pGameData;				   //0x68
   DWORD _5[64];                   //0x6C 
   DWORD UnitType;				   //0x16C
   DWORD UnitId;                   //0x170
   unit * pPlayerUnit;           //0x174
   DWORD _6;	                   //0x178 some bool
   void * ptSaveFile;			   //0x17C
   DWORD nOpenSize;				   //0x180
   DWORD _7[9];					   //0x184
   game * pGame;					   //0x1A8 
   DWORD ActNo;					   //0x1AC
   DWORD _8;	                   //0x1B0
   room1 * ptRoom;				   //0x1B4
   packetdata * Packet[3];		   //0x1B8
   DWORD _10[132];				   //0x1C4
   DWORD dwFlags;				   //0x3D4
   DWORD LastPacketTime;		   //0x3D8 GetTickCount()
   WORD SkillId;
   WORD SkillUnk;
   DWORD SkillFlags;
   } ClientHotKeys[16];  		   //0x3DC 
   DWORD bWeaponSwitch;			   //0x45C
   char szClanTag[11];				   //0x460
   DWORD InactivityTime;		   //0x48C (seconds)
   WORD CurrentLife;			   //0x490
   WORD CurrentMana;			   //0x492
   WORD CurrentStamina;			   //0x494
   BYTE LifePotionPercent;		   //0x496
   BYTE ManaPotionPercent;		   //0x497
   WORD xPos;					   //0x498
   WORD yPos;					   //0x49A
   WORD xTargetOffset;			   //0x49C send by packets 0x96, 0x95, 0x18 (last arg) its converted to BYTE
   WORD yTargetOffset;			   //0x49E like above
   DWORD BodyGold;				   //0x4A0
   DWORD CurrentExp;			   //0x4A4
   client * ptPrevious;  	   //0x4A8 
   client * ptNextByID;		   //0x4AC 
   client * ptNextByName;       //0x4B0
   DWORD _12[19];				   //0x4B4
   DWORD SentPings;				   //0x500 Increasing every 10 secs
   DWORD bNeedToKnow;			   //0x504 u can set this true by packet 0x70
   DWORD ExpLoss;				   //0x508 its temp value, dont use
   DWORD LocaleID;				   //0x50C
   DWORD _13[2];                   //0x510 2 last elements are unused